Breaking News
Dear Rafikis,
A dash visit to Eldoret early December to inaugurate a new building, attend Board meetings and meet with officials, finally brought RUNNING WATER to our Koshin school! This had not happend since the school opened in 2017. A major feat.
WOW! This is the feeling that sums up the past 4 months. Our last quarter provided more excitement than I can remember. Due to the combined efforts of a new woman principal, the community, an active neighbour, the deputy governor of the County and Rafiki Ya Maisha, water is finally flowing! Tractors were loaned, a pump was crowdfunded and students grabbed their shovels to dig trenches. Toilets will now flush, the future bathrooms will have full showers and life will go on as expected.

More than that, the project of a dining hall/teaching kitchen which seemed impossible without running water, will be made possible. The plan is ready. A girls’ dorm, also in the works, is being considered for the near future.
Ernest, the former principal was transfered to another institution after having lead the school through its initial growing pains. A very dynamic Zipporah, loaded with experience, came early January to open the new academic year. We wish her a very warm welcome. In a few week’s time, she increased attendance from 300 to 550 students.
As metioned, we managed to inaugurate the new Design and Applied Technology building at the Sergoek school, courtesy of the Benina Foundation, one of our main donors. A prestigious and colourful graduation ceremony took place on March 25th. No less than 882 students, covering the last 2 years, received their Trade certificates and Craft diplomas. They wrote a poem celebrating their future as CEO’s of their own businesses and their 4000 guests in attendance were over the moon. So are we!
Thank you ALL for your wonderful support that makes this ALL possible!
April 9, 2022