Through its actions, Rafiki Ya Maisha aims at empowering the community as a whole, for a more promising future.
Because some groups are more fragile than others, Rafiki Ya Maisha addresses the needs of sub-groups, in particular women and youth.
Furthermore, Rafiki Ya Maisha’s long-standing belief that sports are key to team building and personal empowerment has led to the organization of football training sessions and tournaments, which have been welcomed with great enthusiasm.
Training and Education
The vocational training project was launched around a 3-pronged axis: 1. Vocational training 2. Sports tournaments 3. Community Development.
Tournaments were a great opportunity to advertise what used to be termed the “village polytechnic”.
Youth representatives came forward to fill seats on the Board of Rafiki Ya Maisha, students encouraged by their leaders, started signing up.
Today, word has spread, the national government has repeatedly promoted vocational training and the schools have found a greater value in the eyes of the population.

In 2007, the Rift Valley municipality organized a football tournament for women in the region. Football literally galvanized the youth and fostered teamwork, inspiring Rafiki Ya Maisha to organize more tournaments in 2010 and 2011.
The tournament was a turning point for the community and a great opportunity to advertise the village polytechnic. Two youth representatives came forward to fill seats on the Board of Rafiki Ya Maisha and 28 new students signed up for training courses.

“This school is building confidence in them – now there is none. This training will go a long way. They’ll own it. It’s the first of its kind in this area. Somebody, somewhere, is thinking about them.”
Ambrose Murgor, Headmaster of Lelit Primary School, feeder school
“Imagine– we are paying very little but getting a lot of knowledge”. Samwel, 17 years
“I joined the school and it has changed my standard of living from where I came from. We have hope for future developments through what we are getting from Rafiki Ya Maisha considering all their efforts and the recent donations which has uplifted our lives”. Luke Kimutai, 24 years
“I came from a poor remote family in Marakwet. I believe that the youth have been uplifted and empowered through this school and the efforts of Rafiki Ya Maisha. I will forever be thankful for their initiative in supporting the youth and community at large. Thank you and God Bless you.” Jane Jepchumba, 21 years
“We recieved advanced electronic sewing machines from Rafiki Ya Maisha which were faster and more effective and I am glad that later on I shall be able to be employed in a big factory because I have the knowledge in using these machines which are also used there. I thank God for Rafiki Ya Maisha and their donations in helping me empower myself to be able to compete with others in life.” Judith Kiprob, 19 years
“It seems now that we are very encouraged to do something. Every day is different, not like the bank work. In fact, I like this better! It’s giving me a lot of energy now. You know, when you retire, you just sit. You get sick. I’m very thankful and I don’t know how to thank you. This lot would have been idle.
I would have been home, idle also. But now I’m busy running this. I’m up early, running to town, going to Chepkanga, spending a lot of energy. My son is here too. It’s good for the whole family and the country. Tell your friends how grateful we are.” Helen Kiptoo, 55 years