Dear Rafikis,
We are proud to announce that we are able to fund the construction of 4 new classrooms/workshops at Sergoek vtc (vocational training center) thanks to a generous donation from the BENINA Foundation, Basel, Switzerland. These brick & mortar classrooms will replace the first classrooms built temporarily with corrugated iron sheets 10 years ago now.
The BENINA Foundation was a substantial donor at the Koshin school allowing the building of a 450 seater Multipurpose Hall. The tender process for this new project took place in August despite the constraints of the sanitary situation. A contractor was selected and the ministries involved alongside the local government have approved the plans. As I write these lines, the site has been cleared for construction.
Besides adding the biodigester/septic tank and drainage system for the entire school, Sergoek has also added 16 CCTV surveillance cameras 24/7, courtesy of the county government. This is a vast security improvement against possible property theft.
Extra washbasins and classroom preparedness has earned the school the green light to resume teaching next week. The chairman and the school Board was proud to announce that upon inspection, they placed 1st out of the 5 schools in the county having met 60% of the basic protocols towards reopening. 5 out of the 11 schools in the county were approved.
Sergoek was 84% ready!
Construction and progress is ongoing at KTTI as well, though the school has remained closed since March.
Online teaching is not an option in the rural areas, as you cazn imagine. Students who are due to sit end-of-year exams will be readmitted next week and hopefully about 100-120 will be present.
The rest of the students, about 200 of them, will have lost the academic year, most unfortunately. COVID prevention measures were implemented with additional wash points, classroom distancing, a “holding room” for students with symptoms, no-contact temperature assessment at the gate, an ambulance response protocol, etc. In terms of progress, we can report that a full library room was newly installed, that the two large workshops added last year (courtesy of Mission Cara, Ireland) are ready to be used and that 2 x 10.000 L water tanks will shortly be hoisted into place. Additionally, a bore hole, a sceptic tank and an ablution block project currently under construction should be ready by year end. This would solve the ongoing water problem.
Thank you for your faithful support allowing our schools to feel morally and financially supported through these unprecedented times.
Stay safe wherever you are and Asante sana as always for your interest and friendship. We need you more than ever!

> SERGOEK Classrooms/Workshop Plans (PDF)